Joe Lieberman's greatest hits
I'm covering a serious situation happeneing in Danbury right now so until my return, here's an oldie but goodie.
I'm covering a serious situation happeneing in Danbury right now so until my return, here's an oldie but goodie.
The writing is on the wall.
Now, tell me why any Democrat would continue to support this man.George W. Bush moved a step closer to Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman's re-election bid in Connecticut as an independent candidate when Tom Kuhn, the president's college roommate and close friend, co-sponsored a Lieberman fund-raising luncheon Thursday in downtown Washington.
Kuhn, president of the Edison Electric Institute, raised more than $100,000 for Bush in the 2000 and 2004 presidential campaigns. Also among the Lieberman event's sponsors was Rick Shelby, a longtime Republican operative who currently is executive vice president of the American Gas Association.
The luncheon's sponsors pressed fellow Republican lobbyists to pay a minimum of $1,000 a ticket. Lieberman has announced he will stay in the Democratic caucus if re-elected. But Republicans backing him against antiwar candidate Ned Lamont, the Democratic nominee, hope for a change of heart by Lieberman.
Is this what Joe Lieberman meant when he said that progress was being made in Iraq?
Under a broad new set of laws criminalizing speech that ridicules the government or its officials, some resurrected verbatim from Saddam Hussein’s penal code, roughly a dozen Iraqi journalists have been charged with offending public officials in the past year.Hmm, come to think of it, in Lieberman's world, this is progress. No news is good news.
Currently, three journalists for a small newspaper in southeastern Iraq are being tried here for articles last year that accused a provincial governor, local judges and police officials of corruption. The journalists are accused of violating Paragraph 226 of the penal code, which makes anyone who “publicly insults” the government or public officials subject to up to seven years in prison.
On Sept. 7, the police sealed the offices of Al Arabiya, a Dubai-based satellite news channel, for what the government said was inflammatory reporting. And the Committee to Protect Journalists says that at least three Iraqi journalists have served time in prison for writing articles deemed criminally offensive.
The office of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki has lately refused to speak with news organizations that report on sectarian violence in ways that the government considers inflammatory; some outlets have been shut down.
Okay, at this point, you have to wonder about the methodology used in the latest Q-poll. How can this poll be so different than the other polls done over the last month.
John DeStefano’s gubernatorial campaign is releasing the following statement regarding the latest Wall Street Journal / Zogby poll, just released today, which shows DeStefano trailing Gov. Rell by just 16 points. (34.8 to 50.9) The margin reflects a three point gain from the last Wall Street Journal / Zogby poll - which was released September 11th – and indicated that the race is the closest it has ever been. (The latest poll was taken between September 19 and the 25th).Now, don't get me wrong, Lamont and DeStefano have work to do with a little over a month to go till eleciton day but based on all the other polls conducted, it does seem like these races are closer than it seems to appear in the Q-poll but as we've seen in the primary, you can't get comfortable loking at a poll with over a month to go till election day.
"The Wall Street Journal / Zogby poll indicates that John DeStefano is gaining significant ground on Gov. Rell - despite her early advantage in t-v advertising," said Derek Slap - Communications Director for the DeStefano campaign. "Frankly, the Wall Street Journal / Zobgy poll is much closer to where our internal polling has us than the Quinnipiac poll. It is further proof that people realize it's too expensive to live in Connecticut and DeStefano offers real change."
"The Promise" is a Danbury High School student video about genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan. Since 2003, it is estimated that over 300,000 people have been killed in Sudan, with millions more displaced from their homes and at risk of starvation. After school for three months at the end of 2005, a group of students worked with assistant principal Tim Salem on the project. The result is an eight minute documentary meant to raise awareness about the genocide and motivate action. The name "The Promise" is a reminder of the promise the United Nations and the world made in 1945 to hold people accountable for crimes against humanity. With the backdrop of the Holocaust, narration, images and quotations, the focus is on the plight of the children of Darfur. The world was promised "never again". The children and people of Darfur are waiting.
I hate blogger! I haven't been able to post anything since this morning and there is so much to discuss. Unfortunately, I don't know how long this connection will stay up so I fear if I type too much I'll lose my chance to psot anything.
"If anyone asks what progress has been made in Iraq as a result of American involvement, look at this man," Lieberman said. "He [Iraq President Jalal Talabani] has taken the place of Saddam Hussein."
While "there are challenges, a lot of work to be done," particularly in strengthening internal security, Lieberman heard Talabani say that 12 of the country's 18 provinces are reasonably secure.
Wow. Ned Lamont came out and blasted Joe Lieberman over the love-fest of a meeting he had today with Iraq President Jalal Talabani. You know, the meeting where Lieberman claims we made great progress in Iraq, couldn't bring himself to ask President Talabani any tough questions, and stated that we went to Iraq because they had terrorist there.
"Senator Lieberman has made it clear where he stands. He talks tough on the war, but when the press conference ends he's incapable of taking the tough actions needed to end the war," said Ned Lamont. "Unfortunately, tough speeches won't save our troops or stop the terrorists. Yesterday, he had an opportunity to stand up and do what's right for the people of Connecticut and tell the Iraqi government that it's time to take responsibility for their own future. As too many times before, Senator Lieberman fell down on the job We can't afford to waste any more time while Senator Lieberman works up the courage to do what's right and hold President Bush accountable for his failed policies in Iraq."Amen.
Today, the Chris Murphy campaign released a new ad that rips Nancy Johnson to shreds. Debunking her over her over-the-top "battlestar galatica inspired" television ad, Murphy goes after Johnson for misleading the public on his record and highlights her lock-in-step support for President Bush's war policy in Iraq.
Thanks for clearing that up for me Joe. I feel much better about the war now...
"Are there terrorists in Iraq? Of course there are. That's a reason we went in," he said. But he would not comment on the report itself, saying, "We don't know what it says. We have to see it."So NOW we went into Iraq because they had terrorists. Funny, I thought the bad guys were in Afghanistan. Maybe Lieberman ignored that memo just like he continues to ignore the National Intelligence Estimate.
Is this the type of out-of-touch politician you want representing you in Washington?
(hat tip to Greg Sargent)
About who's more to blame for not doing enough to capture Bin Laden...
The recent firestorm over former President Bill Clinton's culpability for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was fueled on Tuesday when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice contrasted President Bush's efforts to pursue al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden with Clinton's efforts. Clinton has strongly denied various suggestions that his administration missed key opportunities to kill bin Laden and left the Bush administration without a comprehensive anti-terrorism strategy. However, Bush -- whom Clinton says did nothing about al-Qaeda for the first eight months of his presidency -- has the bigger image problem with Americans on the issue.I remember the "wag the dog" comments from Republicans when Clinton tried to kill Bin Laden. Hell, there was a movie made about the subject.
According to a recent Gallup Panel survey, the American public puts the primary blame on Bush rather than Clinton for the fact that bin Laden has not been captured. A majority of Americans say Bush is more to blame (53%), compared with 36% blaming Clinton.
A day after saying in a major campaign speech that "we must get tougher with the Iraqi political leadership," Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman met Tuesday with Iraq's president and had a pleasant conversation that ended with the two men agreeing progress is being made.This comes from a senator who
Asked if he followed through on Monday's "get tough" message, Lieberman said, "This is a question of allies working together. With a friend, you don't essentially put a gun to their head."
As he did Monday, he again Tuesday criticized Democratic nominee Ned Lamont for supporting specific timelines for withdrawing U.S. troops.With more suicide attacks than at any other period, Lieberman refuses to see the writing on the wall.
At the Capitol, though, Lieberman would not specifically define what he meant by rejecting an open-ended commitment, saying his own goal "is not as neat as a deadline but a deadline is a deadly and disastrous alternative."
He said the U.S. could pull back "as soon as Iraqis are able to control their security and control their destiny" and that he had heard "an encouraging, progressive report by President Talabani, an honest report."
Oh man, Lieberman outdid himself yesterday!
We all know that Joe Lieberman is running a dishonest camaign and is will say anything to keep his senate seat. Unfortunately, there are some voters who take Joe at his word (Sean Smith called them "low information voters) so it's our duty to expose Joe for who he truly is...a Republican.
Here's the rules:
1. Watch Joe do his thing in the video clip (I'm sorry).
2. For every dishonest lie, a misleading statement, and/or distortion of the record you come across, document it in the comment section. Remember, you have to say whether it's a miselading statement, distortion of the record or just an outright lie.
3. Use articles, statements, videoclips to prove that Joe wasn't telling the turth. Remember, providing a video clip is ALWAYS a bonus.
Joe stated that Ned Lamont wants the troops out by July 2007.
MISLEADING: Joe's trying to give the impression that Ned Lamont wants the troops out by July 2007.
TRUTH: Ned Lamont stated that he wants the troops out 12 months after the Kery-Feingold proposal goes into effect. He also stated that he agreed with another proposal which did not give a definate date. According to Lamont, the important thing is to change the course of action in Iraq and give a clear sign to the Iraqis that the U.S. will not be there forever.
BONUS: (CTBob's video clip of Lamont stating this several times to reporters at Naples Pizza yesterday).
Okay, get to it guys!
Okay, this is nuts.
But Mr. Lieberman used the news of the intelligence report, which he said he had not read, to argue that a deadline for withdrawal would make the threat of terror "exponentially worse" and give a battle plan to factional militias, insurgents, terrorists, Syria and Iran.
Using his harshest language to date to attack Mr. Lamont, Mr. Lieberman called his opponent's stance "a slippery, deadly slope every step of the way."
The candidates are rollign out their ads now. Here's a new one from John DeStefano entitled "Sugar Coat"
More lies.
While I digest text of Joe Lieberman's speech from today, I thought it would be rather informative to bring to everyone's attention some of the nonsense the local Republicans are doing in Danbury CT.
I'll make this simple and to the point. The Republican-majority and Mayor Boughton are not doing their job.See what I have to deal with in Danbury.
If the Common Council meetings were televised, you would find that an alarming number of ad-hoc committees are in limbo and nothing is getting done at City Hall. The ad-hoc committee on broadcasting meetings has not met once as well as a number of other ad-hoc committees a majority of which were requested by the Democratic minority.
Enough is enough.
The Mayor and the Republican majority are doing a disservice to the community and it's becoming apparent to the public that they've been in control of the city for way too long. Important committees such as a review of the way the city hands out grants, and tax credit for elderly homeowners, and many other issues are not being addressed by this mayor or the Republican-controlled council and it's simply a disservice to the community.
There has been numerous editorials and articles written on the inaction of the Republicans to hold a number of ad-hoc committees including the review grant request and the broadcasting of meetings. Unfortunately, to really know how serious the problem is right now, you actually have to attend the meetings. If you only watch In Our Opinion, you get a very one-sided Republican point of view of what's happening since Lynn Waller can't seem to find it in herself to really criticize the mayor (Republicans stick together). The News-Times has just scratched the surface in regards to the inaction and hypocrisy of Mayor Boughton (i.e., one day it costs 60,000 to broadcast meetings, the next day it costs 90,000 and all the while, he never explains where he got the figures from).
Therefore, this is what I'M going to do for you.
I made a video highlighting the various problems this city is facing, and inaction of the Republicans, and the frustration of the Democrats who want to get something done. Hopefully, after you watch this video, you'll get a better idea of how bad the situation is in our city as it seems like the Republicans have a problem when it actually comes to doing their job.
Enough is enough
Write a letter to the Editor, let your voice be heard.
Go to the meetings and address the council at the public forum, express your outrage.
Enough is enough.
What we need are politicians who are willing to get the city's job done, not politicians who take trips to Brazil, set up useless self-promoting blogs, and propose building doggie parks with the people's taxes.
Enough is enough.
I guess Joe Lieberman will have to re-write his speech today.
The New York Times and the Washington Post reported Sunday that the National Intelligence Estimate, a classified consensus of 16 U.S. spy agencies, concluded in April that the war has made terrorism worse and that the overall terror threat has grown since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.Lamont decided to send Joe a letter just in case he didn't get the message.
Dear Senator Lieberman:Can't wait to hear how Lieberman is going to spin this in his speech later today...
As I am sure you have seen, the New York Times today reported that the National Intelligence Estimate in April concludes "that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks." The NIE represents the consensus view of the U.S. government's 16 major intelligence agencies. The Times notes that the Iraq War is a major “reason for the diffusion of jihad ideology” and cites one intelligence official acknowledging that the NIE "says that the Iraq war has made the overall terrorism problem worse."Let me put this news in terms that you can clearly understand: Our own intelligence agencies now confirm that the Iraq War is undermining America's security and credibility at our nation’s peril.
From Lieberman's speech preview:
"We have to realize that reasonable people can disagree on this difficult question, and that does not make you a terrorist sympathizer, on the one hand, or a warmonger, on the other."
I guess his statement of August 10 that:
"If we just pick up like Ned Lamont wants us to do, get out by a date certain, it will be taken as a tremendous victory by the same people who wanted to blow up these planes in this plot hatched in England. It will strengthen them and they will strike again."
is no longer operative.