Saturday night with the Pixies
Here's a little change of pace for the weekend. All politics and no fun makes CTBlogger a dull daddy.
Here's a little change of pace for the weekend. All politics and no fun makes CTBlogger a dull daddy.
Wow, this guy made the headlines three times on this blog. He really is Joe Lieberman's buddy.
She's gone!
December 1st is World Aids Day, a oppurtunity for people across the world to work together and fight this deadly disease.
n the countries hardest hit by AIDS economic growth has declined by half a percent every year between 1992 and 2004, the ILO report reveals. Worst affected is sub-Saharan Africa where the loss is higher - point seven percent. AIDS is killing the workforce. In 2005 three point four million people of working age died of the disease, this year that figure is expected to be four and a half million.
The effect is two fold. The economy becomes sluggish, growth drops, there's no energy for initiatives that will create new jobs. At the same time young people, many below working age lose their parents and are forced to work to survive. Often in dangerous and low paid jobs. For girls especially, that can mean the sex industry. Young people now account for half of all new HIV infections, what's more most young people with HIV don't even know they carry the virus.
Thirty miles outside this down-at-the-heels seaside town, Justin Betombo tends his vanilla plants and cheers the local soccer team as if he had not a care in the world. And in fact, what was once his greatest worry has been almost magically lifted from his shoulders.
In the local prosecutor's office, a file filled with accusations that he had sodomized his 9-year-old niece has vanished.
Mr. Betombo was arrested in 2003 after the girl, Kenia, said he had savagely assaulted her. The police obtained his confession, which he later recanted, and a doctor’s certificate that Kenia had been sexually violated, rendering her incontinent and anorexic. Twice they sent the case file to the prosecutor.
There matters ended. Mr. Betombo attended one hearing in the prosecutor's office, but Kenia’s parents say they were not told about it. The records are nowhere to be found. And Mr. Betombo walked away a free man. Kenia's parents, distressed by what they saw as a travesty of justice, asked that her name be published, hoping that her case would set an example.
Among sub-Saharan Africa's children, such stories are disturbingly common. Even as this region races to adopt many of the developed world’s norms for children, including universal education and limits on child labor, one problem - child sexual abuse - remains stubbornly resistant to change.
Increasingly, African nations are openly acknowledging the problem, partly because AIDS has made children more likely to fall ill or die from sexual abuse. Campaigns against abuse are under way in Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland, Kenya, Sierra Leone and elsewhere.
The impact is apparent in Zimbabwe, where a child rights group estimates that at least 2,000 child rape victims have died of AIDS since 1998. "Literally for the first time in Zimbabwe’s history, child abuse is no longer a taboo subject," said James Elder, a Unicef spokesman.
That said, the response is minuscule compared with the extent of abuse, said Pamela Shifman, a child protection specialist at Unicef headquarters in New York. “We see huge numbers of girls affected," she said. "These crimes are still treated as the fault or the problem of the victim."
Following up on Matt's post, I called the FEC to inquire about their progress into the FEC investigation surrounding the $387,000 Joe Lieberman spread around the streets of Connecticut days before the primary. Essentially, the investigation continues and no one will be able to learn about its progress until it is completed.We have all the time in the world...
Unless ... Joe Lieberman gives permission to add transparency to the elongated process.
Until then, only two people receive updates about the progress of the investigation: Tom Swan (who filed the complaint) and Joe Lieberman. Unless both parties give permission to open updates to the public, speaking about it is illegal. When it concludes, it will be assigned an FEC number and become searchable on
Heard Jimmy on WTIC this morning discussing his infamous "I'll crush them" moment. He was going on about how public figures never have a private moment anymore and have to constantly be on guard for bloggers with cameras. Diane Smith, to her credit, said "But this was just after a press conference, not in a private setting like at a wedding or restaurant."2008: Dump Amann.
He also discussed how he rationalizes continuing to support Holy Joe after the primary. He said even though he is allegedly a leader of the party, he is not bound to follow the party "in lockstep". He then said "if I want to continue supporting a fellow Democrat I shouldn't be run out of the party" Uh, Jim, Holy Joe isn't and wasn't a Democrat at that point. He was the CFL candidate and its unseemly for the Democratic Speaker of the House to be supporting him. I wonder how he'll free when the members of his caucus use this excuse when he tries to strong arm them into something. Party loyalty will ring hollow coming from him.
Go CT Bob - to quote another famous moron - "Bring it On!!!"
I remember the whinging about scary bloggers with cameras over the summer, too. After that time that CTBob caught me on video asking Barbara Boxer questions at one of his campaign photo-op events, even Colin McEnroe made a comment about bloggers being stalkers or "ambushing" political figures.
That pisses me off. It's not like CTBob or CTBlogger or Spazeboy ever followed Lieberman into the bathroom and fired questions at him on camera while he was using the urinal. Nobody "stalked" Barbara Boxer or "ambushed" her at her private home or walking out of her hotel room. These were public events. Characterizing video bloggers in such a manner not only demeans the people who are doing the righteous work of speaking truth to power, but also trivializes the very real danger of the crime of stalking.
that nagging suspicion that your excuses just didn't land the way you wanted them to, Jim Amann, is why you have to keep discussing it again and again, hoping you'll get it right and somehow it will land differently.
This was not about getting caught in private. This was not about being caught saying something that you didn't intend to be overheard. Otherwise, being careful about papparazzi would apply.
This was not only an answer to a question (which you could have declined to answer, recognizing you're your own worst enemy), but it involved your run back up the steps to repeat your ill-advised answer to a comment while the cameras rolled. Did viewers of the video miss your request to make your threat off the record? No, I think not.
Anyone who watches the video can see that this guy wasn't messed with. He messed with himself.
All I can say about this "fellow Democrat" stuff is that I am very, very sorry that the Sharon Ferrucci challenge of his party status didn't end with Joe on the street. It only got worse from that moment on, as he realized he could say whatever he wanted with impunity and get away with it. The Dem party and its big tent got played.
How much newspaper and flourpaste does it take to make an Amann float?
George Orwell would be proud.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.So in order to stop the terrorists, we should throw away the right to free speech?
Gingrich, speaking at a Manchester awards banquet, said a "different set of rules" may be needed to reduce terrorists' ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message.
"We need to get ahead of the curve before we actually lose a city, which I think could happen in the next decade," said Gingrich, a Republican who helped engineer the GOP's takeover of Congress in 1994.
Out of touch.
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman Monday tamped down expectations that the Iraq Study Group will provide a template to halt the deteriorating situation in Iraq, as he remains skeptical of what is expected to be its key recommendation — direct talks with Iran and Syria.I guess Joe didn't realize where a majority of the 9/11 hijackers came from...and I just just see Sunni-nations handling the situation in Shite controlled Iraq.
Baker, for several weeks now, has emphasized the wisdom of America talking to its foes as it tries to stabilize Iraq. "It’s not appeasement to talk to your enemies," he said on the ABC news program, "This Week."
But Lieberman doesn’t follow that logic.
"I am very skeptical of the value of having direct discussions with Iran and Syria about how to do better in Iraq," Lieberman said. "The notion that the road to peace or stability in Iraq is through Damascus or Tehran is puzzling to me."
Lieberman favors a role for the Sunni Arab countries, such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt "to help with the economic and political reconstruction of the country."
He said Vice President Dick Cheney was right to consult with Saudi Arabia and President Bush should meet with Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Jordan this week. "I think those are the right places to be because those are more natural allies for us," he said.
Don't look at me, I voted for the True Democrat.
Democratic aides are upset that Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, who won reelection as an independent, has hired a former GOP spokesman who has also worked for the Christian Coalition and other conservative organizations, according to a Capitol Hill newspaper.The aides have good reason to be nervous about the king of Bull Whittman. With the prospects of a laughable McCain/Lieberman 2008 ticket, I'd be nervous to have a known leaker and buddy of McCain sitting in on Democratic strategy meetings.
"Senate Democratic aides are a tad nervous about Sen. Joe Lieberman (Whatever-Conn.) hiring a former GOP spokesman to be his new communications director," Mary Ann Akers writes for Roll Call. "Especially those working for potential 2008 Democratic presidential contenders."
RAW STORY reported last week that 52-year-old political pundit and activist Marshall Wittmann, who formerly served as a senior fellow at the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), as a legislative director for the conservative Heritage Foundation, and as communications director to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), had been hired as Lieberman's new senate communications director.
"Several Senate Democratic aides say they’re uneasy about the notion of Lieberman’s new communications director, Marshall Wittmann, sitting in on their weekly press secretary meetings," Akers reports for Roll Call.
When will people wake up to the reality in Iraq and start demanding that the troops come home?
with no end in sight.
The war in Iraq has now lasted longer than the U.S. involvement in the war that President Bush's father fought in, World War II. As of Sunday, the conflict in Iraq has raged for three years and just over eight months.The President who was so decisive when he took us into this war that he didn't listen to anyone but himself and Cheney now doesn't know what to do and is looking for cover by waiting for word from his "advisors."
Only the Vietnam War (eight years, five months), the Revolutionary War (six years, nine months), and the Civil War (four years), have engaged America longer.
Bush says he still is undecided whether to start bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq or add to the 140,000 there now.
He is awaiting the conclusions of several top-to-bottom studies, including a military review by Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Expected soon, too, are recommendations from an outside blue-ribbon commission headed by former Secretary of State James Baker, a Republican close to the Bush family, and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, an Indiana Democrat who was one of the leaders of the Sept. 11 commission.