They like me, they really like me

I'm a big fan of Steve Gilliard's popular national blog The News Blog, so it came to a pleasant surprise that he picked little ol' me as one of his favorite state/local bloggers for 2006.
Juan Melli and CT Blogger-They do the dirty work of local and state politics, which will never lead to glory or riches, but is needed because if you think federal government has problems.....these guys are heroes to me
Seriously, thanks to Steve for the recognition. To be placed along side award winners You Tube , Stephen Colbert, Keith Olbermann, Matt Stoller, Howard Dean, Sasha Baron Cohen, Morgan Spurlock, Amanda Marcotte, and Ned Lamont is quite a honor.
I really have to give props to all the other Connecticut bloggers as we all worked our tails off trying to stay one step ahead of the mainstream media (PPM baby) as well as keeping people informed on what's happening in the nutmeg state. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't ask Connecticut Bob to help me set the white balance on my camcorder and shoved my digital camera into Spazeboy's hand back during the memorable Lamont event at Naples in New Haven...
Hopefully, political campaigns will take notice of the great reporting we did on the Connecticut races and understand the importance of blogs.
Case in point...
Trust me, if you like what we did in 2006, wait till you see what the Connecticut bloggers have in store for 2007.
Again thanks to Steve for recognizing my work.
UPDATE: Oh man, The Great Scare, ConnectucutBob, and my favorite drink from New Milford made me blush all over again :-)
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