Joementum (R-CT) runs amok

It's been a banner day for George Bush's favorite
First, Lieberman throws Chris Dodd, Barak Obama, and the entire Democratic presidential field under the bus while endorsing John McCain...
Then he LIES about the statement he made last July during the senate debate.
Joementum: July 2006:
Joementum today:
Enough is enough!
Make sure to contact Connecticut Democrats State Chairwoman Nancy DiNardo and demand that she takes a stance against Lieberman's latest betrayal to the Democratic Party and insult to Chris Dodd.
When contacting Chariwoman DiNardo, remember My Left Nutmeg's CaptCT's points:
- remove Lieberman's name from the list of "Democratic Members of Congress"
- NOT invite him to the JJB dinner,
- stop calling him "just like Chris Dodd" and a "friend" of Democrats
- start publicly recruiting Democrats to run for his seat in 2012
The CT Democratic Party should be actively, and vocally -- OUT LOUD -- recruiting candidates to run against Lieberman when his term expires. This should be a constant dialog coming out of State Central.
In August 2006, CT Democrats decided they no longer want Lieberman to represent the party. DiNardo needs to honor the wishes of the majority of CT's Democrats.
Nancy DiNardo: Chairwoman, Connecticut Democrats
Phone: (860) 560-1775
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