Liebergoon DANGERstein lies again
Hey Jen Medina, you were LIED to again.
Docunemted? Hey Dan, show us the documents...if there is any lawyer familiar with Freedom of Information Act, please email me, I'd be more than happy to go to court and file an FOI to get these "documents" if possible.Today, the senator's press office passed us to Dan Gerstein, formerly the communications director for the campaign, who gave us this statement:
["]When the Lieberman campaign Web site went down at the end of the primary, we had very good reason to believe at the time that there had been a deliberate effort to disable it. Earlier in the campaign there had been a documented attack on the site by an outsider, and in this instance our Web site consultant assured us in the strongest terms possible that we had been attacked again. That is why we brought the incident to the attention of the U.S. Attorney and the Attorney General. We appreciate their thorough investigation into the matter, and accept their findings.["]
DANGERstein is doing his usual laying through his ass routine. Everyone knows the reason Lieberman's pathetic "50 hits per day" site sent down was because he was paying next to nothing for bandwidth and it crashed due to the posting of the GOD-AWFUL bear ad.
Oh, as for that apology.
Does the Lieberman camp have any reason to apologize to Lamont supporters, as some have suggested?Hey Dannyboy, this is far from over.
"I'm not going to get into that," Mr. Gerstein said, declining any further comment.
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