Convention live blog
4:35 MALLOY WINS! I'll report more later. I'm off to videotape Malloy's speech.

4:30 Hartford challenge has been denied, votes stays the same. Final count is being counted now. I'll have video of the final count once it's announced.

4:20 Waterbury challenge was upheld and now we're dealing with Hartford. Right now, according to sources, Malloy and DeStefano are now tied.
4:15 An insider tells me that after the Waterbury delegation is done, we might have a tie vote. Wow, this is insane. There is suppose to be a motorcycle show happening here at 4:00 and it's alreaady 4:15.
4:00 Waterbury is still in conference and according to some of the delegates I've talked to, Waterbury might be the city that till tip the balance in DeStefano's favor but not by much.
You see, Malloy wasn't suppose to get that many votes in Waterbury but he received a high number of votes. Oh, there's activity on the floor again...Dan's firing up the crowd while DeStefano supporters are chanting for their man.
Eveything is very confusing and I'll get back to everyone once I have more information. Word has it that DeStefano might not have the votes but this is a rumor...Oh no, now John DeStefano is jumping on his chair. This is nuts!
3:15 While we have some downtime (Waterbury's vote is being challenged), here are some scenes from the last hour.

Former Danbury Mayor Gene Eriquez challenges Danbury's vote submitted by Danbury DTC chairman Joe DaSilva.

Dan Malloy fires up the crowd!

3:05 Danbury's challenge has been denied. Waterbury is next with their challenge.

3:00 High drama with the Hat City delegation as the Danbury challenge is still being debated. This place is out of control...I'm so happy I have a media pass. This is good stuff :-)
2:55I've named this picture CONFUSION. More later.

2:44 Challenge to East Haven is upheld. New challenge made to Danbury's and Waterbury's vote.
2:30 Challenge has been made to East Haven's vote. No one has any idea on the count at this point and everything is up in the air.
2:15 It's a madhouse here. Genghis has it for DeStefano while I have it for Malloy by my count but now there's challenges being made and things are out of control. Having a hard time blogging due to all the confusion and the fact that I'm in the middle of a Malloy mob.
I'll report back soon. I hope CTBob wasn't trampled on my the delegates...
1:30 Second and third district leaning to DeStefano big time. DeStefano 52%, Malloy 48%.
1:15Voting is happening now. This is going to be close. According to Genghis, here's the count so far.
After the first CD: DeStefano 48%, Malloy 52%
12:30 Susan Bysiewicz wins the nomination over Norma Rodiquez by a wide margin. I'll get the numbers later.
John DeStefano press conference will happen after the vote is done. I'll videotape his announcement and bring it to you soon. The nomination of DeStefano is happening right now. Both camps are still twisting arms on the floor looking for every delegate vote. Oh my, DeStefano comes in with an entire high school band behind him. he can put on a show.
Now, Diane Farrell is at the podium now doing entering a nomination for Dan Malloy with Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez seconding the nomination. I'll report back soon.
11:40 Wow, there is a great deal of arm twisting going on here. The Malloy and DeStefano camps are working the floor scrambling for delegate votes. DeStefano and Malloy are also working the floor shaking hands and seeking votes. It's amazing to see these two camps work the floor and I think it's fair to say that this is going to be a long day.
Volenteers between the DeStefano and Malloy camps had a few words to say to each other and for a moment, things became somewhat ugly before security seperated them. Like I said, these camps are working hard for the vote and are taking no prisoners.
John DeStefano will be announcing his running mate soon and I'll update everyone once he makes the announcement. I'm hoping to catch it on video but there is no guarentees.
Right now, delegates are casting their votes for Secretary of State. Norma Rodriquez is challenging Susan Bysiewicz and I'll post the final count as soon as the voting is over.
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