Leader of hate group trying to rig straw poll
Oh, this is rich!
Seems like MexDonaldsBoy is making it easy for me to make fun of him (AGAIN).
Genghis gives the details while I goof on the hate-monger.
Paul Streitz's Senate campaign is looking to win an upcoming straw poll in Middletown, partly with the help of people from out of state, according to an email message allegedly sent by his campaign.I'll take the ball from here because unlike Genghis, I'm not a really nice when it comes to expressing my opinion of this bafoon.he straw poll in Middletown will have the candidates speak, the newspapers will cover and the 11 o'clock news will have the story. Our opponent Alan Schlesinger is expected to be there.Strange that he would be bringing people from New Jersey and Massachusetts to a Connecticut straw poll.
The vote is among whoever shows up. So the more people we have concerned about immigration, the more likely we are to win.
"Immigration Control Candidate Wins Straw Poll Against Party Establishment"
If we have a victory, that is the kind of headline we could receive and it would be national news, on to all the internet sites. And send a chill up and down the spines (do they have any) of Senators and House members. If we lose, we have to make excuses.
I know that for some of you it is a good drive, but we expect some people from New Jersy and Massachusetts to be there. This is important.("Straw Poll")
It's not strange that Strietz is asking people to come from out of state to vote for him in a Connecticut Straw poll just like it wan't strange that he did a "survey" on various McDonalds resturants and determined (by simply looking at people) that a majority of the people working there were Latinos (which to him means that immigrants are taking away jobs from white peop...oh, I mean Americans).
It's simple, Strietz is a nutcase and a crazy xenophobe. He has no credibility whatsoever so he is forced to find like-minded idiots from other states to travel to Connecticut and vote for him.
He's an embarrassment to this state, it's that simple. It's not worth being nice to this guy because he's simply a racist jerk.
UPDATE: Many of you ask me "why do you call Strietz MexDonaldsBoy?" Well, I'll let the xenophobe explain it in his own silly words.
Nothing is worse than a cheater.
(Hat tip goes out to Freedom Rider for the hookup).
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